Datarelease data access

sFTP/SCP access

To download data using a sFTP/SCP file transfer client such as WinSCP, FileZilla, or Cyberduck, connect to the server with your UMN InternetID. You will be in your user account's home directory after logging in. Navigate up a folder to your group home directory, then to the data_release folder (/home/GROUPNAME/data_release/umgc). You will find a hiseq, miseq, novaseq, and/or sequel folders containing your datasets.
Detailed instructions: WinSCP FileZilla

Web access

You can access files on the MSI filesytem with your web browser using MSI's ondemand website: You will be in your user account's home directory after logging in. Navigate up a folder to your group home directory, then to the data_release folder (/home/GROUPNAME/data_release/umgc). You will find a hiseq, miseq, novaseq, and/or sequel folders containing your datasets.

Galaxy access

If you would like a dataset available in your MSI galaxy space please email a request to MSI. Provide the path to the dataset you would like in Galaxy, and note which MSI user accounts should have Galaxy access.